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Pioneering New Education and Research


Growing international awareness on climate change, environment destruction, and the imbalance in energy supply and demand, and to take the lead on the upcoming age of hydrogen economy


To lead the upcoming paradigm shift, a new integrative education and research program is required to amplify policy making and research potentials


Korea University (KU) and Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) jointly established Green School, a future oriented education system encompassing natural and social sciences for sustainable growth in energy and environment

Developing balanced and integrative experts in energy and environment technology

  • Establishment of a unique education and research partnership between KU and KIST
  • Development of integrative human resources both for technology and policy-making
  • Producing globally competitive education and research outcomes
  • Achieving the world’s top 20 graduate educational program in energy and environment by 2020

Integrative experts in both technology and policy-making

Global leaders with excellent communication and field applicable skills

To identify and conduct future oriented research in energy and environment technology

To guide and establish the national energy and environment policy and strategy

To turn the synergy between longterm national strategic policy and cutting-edge technology development into the next national growth engine